Qi Healing Massage
Qi Gong is a healing practice. When we move our bodies with focused intention, we move the Qi to balance and harmonise our physical, emotional and mental selves.
You can experience the same harmonising effect when someone else uses their intention and projects Qi through their hands to balance your body.
About the session
It lasts about 60 min, and you spend most of it lying fully clothed on a massage table.
It consists of a mixture of hands on and off techniques.
Please wear loose clothing so that your body can breathe easily.
Please do not wear any strong perfume or scents.
If you have any questions about your session, you can ask them here.
The suggested fee is £70.
Block bookings: 5 sessions booked & paid for in advance - £300 (£60 per treatment).
Concessions and skill exchanges are available.
Once you booked your session, you can pay here.