My Journey
As a young adult I was never satisfied with the answers I got from my immediate culture and questioned a way of life that seemed disconnected from Nature and devoid of deeper meaning. So I turned to Eastern Thought.
My first formal experience of Yoga was through learning Transcendental Meditation in 1990. I was then working in the corporate sector and the practice offered a welcome relief from a stressful job and life's overload. It deepened my thirst for self-knowledge and ignited a life-long seeking for the truth and connection to the source. The physical practice of asanas became my daily ritual a few years later, when I was recovering from chronic fatigue. The sense of well-being and peace it created in my life made me want to share this practice with others, and in 2000 I completed a two year Teacher Training programe at the Iyengar Yoga Institute in Maida Vale and in Pune, India.
Soon afterwards, I met Donna Farhi who inspired me to look deep into myself for answers as well as introducing me to the work of great somatic teachers; Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and Thomas Hanna. I completed Donna's teacher training course in Vancouver, Canada in 2004.
A pivotal moment in my understanding of Yoga came from meeting and studying with a Chinese Qi Gong Master, Zhixing Wang in 2007. It was then that the emphasis of my practice shifted away from the physical body and mind to the formless flow of Prana/Qi, and the practice became more effortless, guided by an inner voice, full of healing potential, and definitely much more fun. Subsequently, I completed a teacher training programme with California based Qi Gong teacher Lee Holden and then continued my studies with an East Coast based Master, Robert Peng.
Somewhere along this journey, my interest in the workings of the body and mind, took me to study Neuro Linguistic Programming.
I completed a two year NLP Master Practitioner programme in 2007, and continue to be amazed how freeing thinking from habitual patterns can have an everlasting, powerful effect on one's body and life choices.
I have travelled the world in search of teachers, healers and shamans, but after many years of wandering I realised that what I seek doesn't exist in some exotic location, but inside. I just needed to be still, relax deeply and listen. Now, some 30 years later, I feel physically stronger than ever in my adult life, but the real transformative power of this practice is in the quiet contentment I feel.
These days, I hang out more in London, teaching online,
private classes from my home in Richmond, weekly group classes at Life Centre, and retreats in sunny places.
Hope you can join me on one of my offerings!